Thirty two days... That's how long I have before I take my first international trip! My emotions are seriously mixed about it too. Of course I'm beyond excited to be going to Italy! I mean, who doesn't want to visit Italy? But I'm also pretty scared. Leaving the comfortable, gluten free confines of Colorado makes me uneasy, especially going to the pasta capital of the world. I've done all the research about how to visit Italy in a gluten free world, and in fact, I have found out that Celiac's Disease is so common over there that they have a national program to address it with many of their restaurants. I even bought a guide book that specifically names the restaurants associated with the program! The fact, however, that I cannot speak Italian remains, and I fear that something will literally get lost in translation, and I'll end up spending my trip sick. I know that just thinking this way on the front end will make it worse. It hasn't happened yet, and might not even happen at all... but what if it does happen? What will I do if I get sick while I'm over there? I know stress will only make the situation worse. Stress is one of the first things (other than gluten) that sends my stomach through a loop, and in fact, I have been sick a number of mornings recently, and I know that stress has something to do with it.
Stress aside, I couldn't be more excited for the trip than if I had just won the lottery! I'll be in Italy for 10 whole days (plus two days for flights there and back), and touring several cities! I'm taking the trip with a group from my school, so we will be visiting different foodie destinations, including Tuscany, Parma, and Rome where we will take tours of wineries, and balsamic vinegar and ham producers. It's an incredibly exciting thought, and I can't believe I get to be a part of it!
For at least the last decade, one of my life's goals has been to take cooking lessons in Tuscany, and I actually get to do that!! I think what is even more exciting for me is that I'm going in the prime of my life. I recently turned 30, and after a lack luster decade in my twenties, I am ready to grab 30 and take on the world, Italy in this case. I spent most of my twenties sick and depressed, not knowing what was wrong with me. Figuring out my health issues was a big step in the right direction, and taking this trip is like the culmination of getting my life on the right track. Every time I took a trip in my twenties I ended up sick, miserable, and having a piss poor time. I can't... no I won't let that happen with Italy!! I am determined to get and stay healthy for the next month in order to have the most fulfilling experience possible for the 10 glorious days that I get to experience Italian life. I'm still concerned about the language barrier, and of course I will be aware of my food while I'm there, but I will have the most amazing time while I'm there. Italy, here I come! I'm 30, I'm healthy, and I'm ready to have the most amazing trip ever!
Meg! Have a fantastic time! Drink lots of wine for me and enjoy every minute!